At the bridal shower there is a tradition of creating a bouquet from all the ribbons and bows. Let me show you how to create this bouquet.
Start by taking a sturdy paper plate and cut a small hole in the center of the plate.
Have one of your bridesmaids sit next to you when you are opening your presents and collect all the bows and ribbons.
Gather a thick amount of ribbon and pull it through the hole in the plate and tie a large knot on either side of the hole, this will lock in the handle.
Final step, stick on all the bows and extra ribbons to complete the bouquet.
Now you can use this bouquet at the ceremony rehearsal.
My name is Caroline, I have a Bachelors in Interior Design and a Masters in Art Education. I'm now a stay at home Mom to two wonderful daughters, 5 and 2. I love all things arts and crafts. I am addicted to Pinterest, really addicted. I've started this blog as a way to record my experience with my Pinterest projects and share them with all of you. I will post my successes and my failures and everything in-between. I hope you enjoy my Pinterest journey.